Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little January Catch Up

I thought you might like to see the silly 4 inch tall chicken that G loves, his name is Stinky Chicken. I thought this might be the last we saw of him, but after 7 days of being lost, Dad just found him behind a piece of furniture Yay!
We got to have the wonderful Campbell family over for the Seahawks game. We loved to see them. The twins are getting so big! It is really fun because they are starting to look the same age and do the same things. Here is Grant barging in for a drink of "wa wa."

Here is T's totally 80's hair! Don't you love it?

Our sweet little guy, sitting at the table like a big boy and then.....

you turn for a second and his is up on the table! Ugh- boys!

We have also had our 15 month Dr. appt. G weighs 24 lbs, in the 50th percentile and his height is in the 75th. Once again, Dr. Lester told us we have a "real social guy." No surprise there.
We have some new big words this week too:
-Thank you

Natalie, here is a model shot with the super cool hat you got G. Is this GQ quality, or what?? I mean the binky is soooo manly! We love it, thanks so much!

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