Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Its all about the G

No surprise, 99% of the photos I take are of our little pumpkin. I was one of those people that never took photos, I guess I am making up for it now.

Grantie's new thing this week is to "share." He thinks it is fun to hand us things. Of course we make a huge deal and say THANK YOU, he smiles back with a great big grin....

Eating leftovers off the floor, grapes I think (I hope).

I tried out a little picture editing!

His infamous fishy show. This thing is a must. Thanks to Mandy for recommending one of these things!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our trip to Heffley Lake, BC

We spent 5 days in BC for Kyle's Family Reunion, the Fortier side, his mother's mom's side. This is Kyle's french-canadian ancestry and we found out Kyle is 12th generation in North America- that makes Grant the 13th.

As always, it was great to spend time with Kyle's sis, John, the kids, and Esther. Oh, and Grant surprised us and was a happy car-riding baby for the 6 hour drive.

Mr. sweet cheeks...

Some speedy cupcake makin'. We made 75, whew!

Amanda feeding Grant pb & j.

Only in Canada is there a directional sign in the Best Western to the liquor store.

A little bath on the dock.

Cake practice- just two months until the real deal (the first b-day)

Loving the pool.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sweet summer fun

We have been making the most of the summer and had a few milestones in July.

Grant now has a few words in his vocabulary. His first official word was "duck." People think this is odd, it is no surprise since to us because he takes a bath in a gigantic yellow rubber duck. We have also caught him saying "dog" and "bye." He says "ma ma ma" for things he really wants like his bottle or bink and says "dad" really clearly. He waves bye and points things and says "dat."

He weighs nearly 22 pounds and is in the 80th percentile. He is very close to walking and can take one step on his own. He can really cruise when he hold his hands.

He loves his backpack. Kyle got this at a used kids store for $30.00.

Thanks to the great weather we have had lots of pool and outside time (even the cheeks get some fresh air).

And on one of the hottest weekends we went blueberry picking, just a few minutes from our house in the snohomish valley. I carried Grant on the front pack while I tried to pick berries one-handed and keep Grant from putting everything in his mouth, branches and all.

Our 9 month old sweetie pie!