I am a little behind on posting pics, so let me catch up...
Grant loves to look around. He loves to look at lights, balloons, and his mobile. When he is in the right mood, I can set him in his crib and he will stare up in amazement. The darn thing does not even move, he just likes the pictures!
A picture of us hanging out while dad is at his volunteer fire fighting class.

Here is Collin's last soccer game of the season. It was a chilly, but clear day. We love to watch him play. He is so fast! You can see that Collin and Kyle are most definitely related- the crazy hair gene.

Our sweetie niece, Amanda. She is such ham. We spent most of the game making imaginary drawings in the air with a plastic hand. Oh, it is great to be 6!

Grantie getting ready to watch a husky game. He is just as excited as we are about the season.

Grant and Dad love to do things together. The other day he spent hours in his Bjorn. They went for a walk and worked on projects in the yard (you know, man stuff).